Aunt Sandras Candy Factory Roadshows

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Event Description

Aunt Sandra's Candy Factory Roadshows!


We can bring the fun to you…… With our mobile workshops.

We bring all the equipment and ingrediencies needed all you need to supply is the space, tables and some excited children.



In our Chocolate Roadshow we have a fun large set up to make any mouth drop!


During the workshop the children will get to make 3 different chocolate items to take home with them along with winning some prizes for all


Time – 1.5hrs *smaller groups 1hr

Cost - £300 for up to 40 heads

£6 per head after

MAX 70 heads



In our Slime Roadshow everyone will get to make 4 different types of slime to take home in a sealed tub, creating and choosing their own colours and glitters for their own personal slime.


Mess free with tables covers and aprons provided


Time – 1.5hrs

Cost - £180 for up to 15 heads

£10 per head after

MAX 40 heads



In our Lego Roadshow everyone will get a chance at making 3D figures, 2D mosaics and free play with our Lego kits along with help throughout.


Every child will leave with a gifted Lego figure to remind them of their fun builds.


Time - 1.5hrs

Cost - £180 for up to 15 heads

£10 per head after

MAX Heads 30



Travel costs will occur if distance travelled is more than 10 miles from our shop.


All bookings need to go through Claire @

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